Dealing with Problem Players
I'm a digital packrat. This is something I wrote - a while ago. For the most part it still rings true. Enjoy - and comment please. How to deal with Problem Players. I’ve been DMing/GMing for a while. I’ve run into many types of players. Most are demanding and can provide issues for your games, though they can be amusing as well. It is helpful if you can identify and know how to deal with them. Most gamers will fall into one (or more) of the following categories: * The Role-Player. This gamer likes to think they are the Olivier or O’Toole of the gaming world. They will write out elaborate stories for their characters, complete with genealogy, family history, and enough detail to make George RR Martin cross-eyed. They live for the social interaction; wanting to know that you have read their background and often will ask little questions “What do you think about my mother’s Ferret . . .” They’ll use accents to differentiate themselves from other players. Th...